Loz Atkinson
Artist & Animator


3D Animation

Eldevin - Hunted Cow Studios

Eldevin is the award winning indie story-driven Free to Play MMORPG (Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game) from Hunted Cow Studios.

All creatures were animated using milkshape, due to technical limitations with the game's engine. Milkshape uses forward kinematics with linear interpolation.

Hover over a creature to view it's animation.

2D Animation

Zealot - Hobby Project

Zealot is a top down 2D Action-RPG that puts the player in the centre of religious turmoil across 7 continents in a vast fantasy setting.

Working as the sole artist on this hobby project, sprites and animations were created by hand using either Photoshop or Esoteric's Spine 2D software.

Hover over an image to view it's animation.

Taverns - Hobby Project

Animations were created by hand usings Esoteric's Spine 2D software.

Hover over an image to view it's animation.

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